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About Us

Bradbray Apartment bring their own eclectic post punk electronica sound to the masses. Having reformed at the end of 2014 after a break of some 25 years they have evolved into a tight, expansive band, that blend vintage synths and  organ sounds, powerful vocals, infectious guitar riffs and a solid foot tapping rhythm section. With a genre that draws on a wealth of experiences and backgrounds both musically and socially "The Brads" remain true to themselves and to their original ethos to bring a powerful rollercoaster ride of sound with big catchy choruses but without taking themselves too seriously.


Matt Collins          Vocals

Jim Allen              Keyboards

Steve Follows       Guitar

Bill Scroggs           Bass

Liam Collins          Drums








A Brief History

Formed in 1988, Bradbray Apartment played around the UK mainly on the University, College and Polytechnic scene. In 1989 the band recorded a 4 track EP, "Who Needs Einstein" which was released on Tubecroft Records but the band split later that year. In mid 2014 a Staffordshire Newspaper ran a nostalgia piece to mark 25 years since the band played a key show at The Rock Garden, Covent Garden, London. This put members of the band back in touch and eventually led to a reunion with the addition of new member Rob Wild. Rob left the band in 2018 and was replaced with dynamic young drummer Liam Collins.

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